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Friday, June 14, 2013
Happy Fathers Day
I just want to wish all of you Fathers out there a very Happy Fathers Day. For those of you who lost their Fathers remember them and how much they meant to you.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Happy Memorial Day
I thought it would be an appropriate time to post something it being Memorial Day, a time to remember those in the military who have fought and fallen bravely to defend our freedom. To send a prayer or good thoughts to those who are still fighting and to thank them for their service. Also, not to forgot our Veterans some of whom still need much needed support and our wounded they to need our thanks and prayers or good thoughts for some still have long battles of their own to overcome.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Mothers Day
Yes it is Mothers Day one more time tomorrow, time to get the card or the flowers to tell your Mother how much she means to you. Just another day that has gone to make sales. Isn't a Mother a Mother everyday, shouldn't one appreciate what she does for you everyday. Why wait until that day in May when Mothers day roles around. For those of you who lost children you will understand just how important that is. Yes it may have been only goofy cards, having your child with you or nearby everyday is more important than that day in May. So children cherish your Mothers every day you never know when it will be the last Mothers day, and Mothers cherish your children you will never know just how much you will miss those goofy cards. It shouldn't be just one day in May it should be everyday. They you say you will always be a Mother even when a child dies, I would love to be able to nag my child and argue with him that I was right all this time, and yes get those goofy cards. Well in case my Mom reads this I love you and I thank you for all you have done and continue to do for me. Not just tomorrow but every day. As for me, I think about my son every day and cherish the time I had with him as his Mother, I can't be an actual one any longer but I will always be his Mom in my heart. God Bless all the Mothers out there most especially the ones who have lost children and are having a difficult time, it does get easier just takes time.
That's all for today. Be Well!
That's all for today. Be Well!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Quotes from my Favorite President
"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."(Abraham Lincoln)
" I am a slow walker but I never walk back." (Abraham Lincoln)
I think he was an amazing man, I watched the movie Lincoln and I think Daniel Day
Lewis played the part very well. There is little known about the man himself, so we were able to get a glimpse of his personal side. He was a brilliant man, who had so many amazing things to say. I picked those two quotes in particular because that is what I believe. When my son got ill I decided to take things one day at a time, I never realized there was an actual quote written by a man who had so many brilliant things to say and there were many. The other quote like him I am a slow walker due to an ailment so I found it fitting. You can't go back you can only go forward, and that is what I try to do as hard as it may be. My son would eventually pass away, and he fought his illness, and he fought like a brave Knight that is why this blog is dedicated to him and why there is a picture of a Knight on this page. I posted a poem my son wrote on a previous blog in it he says "I will fight with my sword held high with a Knights will to survive."( Nicolas Valois). Well that is all for today. Be well!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Lesson learned!
I have done this more than once, and it always seems to get me into trouble, so if you are anything like I am here is something you may be interested in reading. Many times I have jumped to conclusions about different things and many times they have been the wrong ones. I have an impulsive nature, not always such a bad thing, however, not so good when you jump to conclusions that are not correct that could cause problems in what could be good things in your life. Especially family relationships, significant other relationships and even with people you work with and your bosses. So lesson I learned don't jump to conclusions find out what is really going on, saves a lot of possible trouble. That's it for today. Be Well!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Quotes wanted to I share!
I just found a couple of quotes I wanted to share!
"kindness is a language the deaf can hear, and the blind can see." Mark Twain
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." e.e. Cummings
"I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday." Eleanor Roosevelt
Some of the best advice come from the ones that came before us don't you think, just a thought.
Hope you all have a good day!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Missing Someone
This is just a quote I found I wanted to share with those who lost a child, most especially the parent's of those who lost their children in Boston and in Watertown last week. Look up at the sky the brightest star is shining just for you. God Bless!!
Online Scammers
Hello Folks! Today I decided I wanted to warn all of you out there that are trying or have tried the dating site craze that is going on out there. There are lots of them now, so people are there watching waiting to prey on someone foolish enough to fall for their tricks. I recently fell prey to such a scam by a man using the picture on his profile of someone else. The person who's picture was being used was rather well known, does a lot of blogging and news shows, I had checked him out so I thought it was legitimate, I was wrong, he asked for money the red flag that went up wasn't big enough I guess, I got the luggage stolen important papers and phone in luggage, needed a phone to get his contacts back from provider was the story, since I had checked him out I thought will alright I will help him out. We kept in touch, we were supposed to meet but something always came up. Anyway long story short never got paid back like supposed to then found out there was a web site of different people using the real persons likeness this was the first time his name was being used as well. So my warning is this do not under any circumstances give or send money to people you meet online, or send any money to those letters you get in your email from Nigeria or Benin you will more often than not get scammed. I never thought I would get myself into trouble especially doing some research, but I did, and I would not like to see anyone else have the same problem. So please be safe out their. Until the next time be well!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Time for a change!
I am just thinking I have a big birthday coming next week, yes folks I will be 50 the big 50! Thinking what can I do to make a change, not coming up with any answers. Well I did start taking online courses to get my Bachelors of Arts degree so I guess that is a change, never to late to finish school. I was told I have a stranger entering my life and will own property if you believe that kind of stuff, I just did it for fun. So I guess it is a wait and see what 50 will bring. I will have to remember to tell my family I love them more often that could be the change I make, you never know when you won't be able to do it again. Yup that's it I will try not to take for granted the people I love, and tell them I love them more often. That I think is one important change I can make. Friends come and go but in the end family is all you have. That's all I have for today. until another time. Be well!
Monday, April 22, 2013
I have been neglectful and haven't posted anything in a little while, but I think the events of this past week gave me pause to think about the goodness of humanity. Good versus Evil so to speak. We had 2 people set off bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing a 8 year old boy, 2 young women and a police officer. Countless others loss limbs many are still in the hospital. What amazes me is that some of the marathon runners having just run 26 miles ran a couple miles more to give blood, civilians running into harms way to help others First responders trying to stabilize and get victims to hospitals as quickly as possible and then the Doctors and Nurses and the several nearby hospitals that took care of the injured. The local, state and FBI who worked tirelessly to make sure they could track down the suspects before anyone else could get hurt or killed. The city of Boston who stayed strong through it all and followed the instructions of the police even if it meant staying in doors. I saw a picture in a local paper of a policeman bringing milk to a family who had run out because they were asked to stay inside. No matter how sickened it made me that something like this happened again, it amazes me and reminds me that there is still a lot of humanity out there, and the City of Boston proved that last week. People still care for others and will put themselves in harms way for others. People will still do kind things for others. I am proud of Boston, they are Boston Strong.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Great Tune
This is a great song by Eric Clapton off of his new album Old Sock, lyrics are great music is awesome, if you like a great guitar this is the man to listen to. I loved the words in this song and video was great wanted to share with all of you.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
A First Time for Everything
Today we have a new Pope for the first time there is a Jesuit priest who becomes Pope first time we have a Pope from Latin America. God Bless Pope Francis I
Here are some facts about the new Pope:
- Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born Dec. 17, 1936, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, one of five children born to an Italian railway worker and his wife
- He speaks Spanish, Italian and German.
- He reportedly had a lung removed when he was a teenager due to an infection.
- He rides a bus to work, wears an ordinary priest's robe and lives with an older priest in a simple apartment where he cooks his own meals, rather than live at the luxurious residence he was entitled to as Archbishop of Buenos Aires.
- He has written books on spirituality and meditation and has been outspoken against abortion and same-sex marriages, according to the Catholic News Service.
- He is the first Jesuit to be named a pope. He entered the Society of Jesus and was ordained in 1969 during his theological studies at the Theological Faculty of San Miguel.
- He has chosen the name Francis — the first time in papal history that name has been used.
- He is the first pope from the Americas and the first from outside Europe in more than 1,000 years.
- Even though he has no Vatican experience, he becomes the 266th pontiff in the Roman Catholic Church's 2,000-year history.
- He was the second choice of the conclave that elected Joseph Ratzinger, known as Benedict XVI, as pope eight years ago.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Tips to Improve Your Life
Now I know that I am not an expert at improving your life it is a works in progress, I have come to learn you have to figure out most things on your own. The lucky will always have the guidance of their parents which in my case I had of two wonderful parents, yes Mom you were right in many cases. However, there will be choices and the only person who can decide for you is You! That being said I found the following tips that I found may be helpful for me and wanted to share them with you as well. Cheers to all you brave Knights out there.
TIP! You can learn how to approach tough situations in your life without losing your cool. If you
learn how to keep a good head when you are in a stressful situation, you can get the confidence in order to succeed in anything you do! Take a few seconds to focus on your breathing.
TIP! Always treat people respectfully, whether they have power and can do something for you, or whether they’re an ordinary person. How you treat someone says a lot about the kind of character you possess.
TIP! They say that speaking and listening are equally important. Listening definitely applies when developing yourself.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Roger Valois
December 24, 1928 - February 28, 2012
1st Anniversary

Sleep is eluding me tonight like most nights. I realized it is a year today that my Father has passed, it seems like just yesterday. A lot of things happen in a year you wouldn't think so in such a short span of time. One of the men I loved most was taken from me and brought to a better place of no suffering. I love you and miss you Dad. -
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Something New
I started something new this week and I am hoping it takes off. I have a web site up called I am hoping to get some traveling done, and since I have some limitations with walking, I decided to make it a site to help those who need accessible travel find information to do just that. Places to see that are handicapped accessible, transportation such as van rentals, buses, taxi cabs. How to travel on a plane. Find Hotels that have handicapped accessible rooms. The Web site came out really nice, but isn't exactly what I wanted, but I am sure it could be tweaked. What I could use from anyone who may be reading this is ideas of what kind of things you may be interesting in seeing or getting information on. Maybe if it is done right we could put some discounts in there. Check out my new web site; I would love to hear from you let me know what you think?
Friday, February 22, 2013
I have an idea?
Is anyone else tired of all the Democrat's and Republicans not getting anything done or is it just me? The economy is a disaster and now the big thing is the sequester coming up on March 1, 2013. They are too busy scaring people then doing anything. I saw this on either Facebook or Yahoo can't remember the country spends 8 billion in oil subsidies and 40 million on the elderly to eat. I know which one I would cut. Oh but that's right the Supreme Court decided in the Citizens United case that corporations have free speech rights just as people, so I guess big oil shouldn't have to give up their subsidies, politicians think our big companies are worth more than our people. So my idea is, actually I am sure I am not the only person who has thought of this, is that Congressman and Senators should have term limits, no more career politicians serve four years put in your civic duty and then move out of the way.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The Battle: A Knight's Courage
The Battle: A Knight's Courage
Here I sit upon my throne of gadgets and parts
it seems I am the machine but never shall my heart
These Cold and inhuman machines never control me
Though many lost to adversity strength shall stay me
Hope is my last defense in my body's civil war
This disease, this barricade will break like the shore
I will fight with sword held high with a knight's will to survive
With fortitude and unmarked resolve I'll stay alive
By: Nicolas Valois 1986-2010
This was written by my son, he was in a wheelchair he had duchenne muscular dystrophy and passed away from complications on April 02, 2010. He wrote that poem, he was a very strong and funny young man, smile that could light up a room. He did fight with his sword held high until it was time to lay it before our Lord's feet. He is truly loved.
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